Discovering the World of YouTube Through CherryCoBiz

Hello, wonderful readers of CherryCoBiz!

Today, I’m venturing into a new section of our holistic health and wellness universe: The captivating world of YouTube. But before you raise an eyebrow wondering how the two connect, allow me to share a bit of my journey with this platform.

The idea of launching a YouTube section on CherryCoBiz springs from a personal place. Like many of you, I too have been inspired by several content creators on YouTube. So much so that I’ve even taken the first step and set up my own channel! Although it’s still a budding platform with no videos just yet (blame it on the myriad of projects I’m juggling!), the dream is alive and kicking.

Now, why bring this to CherryCoBiz, you ask? While our primary focus remains holistic health and wellness, it’s essential to remember that well-being also encompasses mental and emotional aspects. And in today’s digital age, content we consume plays a significant role in that. YouTube, with its diverse range of creators and content, has been both a source of inspiration and relaxation for me.

In this section, expect a potpourri of content:

  • Spotlights on My Favorites: Dive into the world of my favorite YouTubers, understanding why they resonate with me, their background, and some standout content they’ve blessed the internet with.
  • Constructive Critiques: Not all content resonates, and while it’s essential to keep the vibes positive, a bit of constructive feedback never hurt anyone, right?
  • YouTube Trends and Controversies: Let’s navigate the ever-evolving landscape of YouTube trends and, occasionally, address some controversies, all with a balanced perspective.
  • My YouTube Journey: As I embark on my YouTube adventure, I’ll share the highs, lows, learnings, and everything in between. Perhaps, you can join me or share your insights if you’re on a similar path!

To sum it up, this section aims to explore, appreciate, and discuss the vast universe of YouTube. Whether you’re a casual viewer, an aspiring content creator, or just here for some good old CherryCoBiz content, there’s something for everyone.

So, as I always say, let’s embark on yet another journey together, exploring the digital alleys of YouTube, one video, and one creator at a time.

Stay tuned and, as always, stay blessed!


Terra Turner